Airplane Design: Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned

recorded online (recording link from external source)

August 14, 2024

Presenter: Dr. Willem Anemaat

Webinar Description

This webinar talks about aircraft design and test flight projects what all could go wrong and did go wrong and how to avoid the same issues. Some of the stories are based on Dr. Anemaat’s own experience from his 34-year career working on aircraft design, flight dynamics and prototyping projects.

Dr. Anemaat is President and co-founder of Design, Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation), an aeronautical engineering and prototype development company. Dr. Anemaat is the software architect for the Advanced Aircraft Analysis (AAA) software, an airplane preliminary design and analysis tool. He has been actively involved with more than 400 airplane design projects and has run many subsonic wind tunnel tests for clients. Dr. Anemaat has more than 30 publications in the field of airplane design and analysis. He is the recipient of the SAE 2010 Forest R. McFarland Award, an AIAA Associate Fellow and an associate editor for the AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Anemaat is Vice-Chair of the AIAA Aircraft Design Technical Committee. Dr. Anemaat holds an M.S.A.E. degree from the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from The University of Kansas.

Dr. Anemaat also teaches Airplane Flight Dynamics, Airplane Preliminary Design, Conceptual Design of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Principles of Aerospace Engineering courses with University of Kansas Jayhawk Global Continuing Education.