
President Dr. Willem Anemaat co-authored paper awarded the Royal Aeronautical Society Written Paper Bronze Prize

President Dr. Willem Anemaat co-authored a paper (with Robert McDonald, Armand Chaput, Neal Harrison, Tim Takahashi (pictured on right), Cees Bil and Roelof Vos) titled ‘Future aircraft concepts and design methods’ is awarded The Royal Aeronautical Society Written Paper Bronze Prize. Photo [...]

January 16th, 2024|Awards, Events|

AIAA Award Announcement

Dr. Willem A. Anemaat, President of DARcorporation, has been selected to receive the 2021 AIAA Sustained Service Award. This award is presented to recognize sustained, significant service and contributions to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA, by members of the [...]

December 9th, 2020|Awards|

3rd Place – Future Civil Aircraft Concept Design Competition!

Design, Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation) entered and was placed third in the Future Civil Aircraft Concept Design Competition organized by Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) America and Aviation Week. DARcorporation entry of a unique 3-lifting-surface layout combines with innovative powerplant [...]

March 1st, 2018|Aircraft Design, Awards|
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