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Fraud Alert!!!

Fast Psonia Post - In August 2021, we became aware of a company using our address. This is a shipping scam and we have reported it to the Better Business Bureau, filed a complaint with and notified the US Postal [...]

September 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|

NASA STTR Research Contract

Design Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation) and the University of Michigan MDO Lab received a NASA STTR contract to develop an Open Source Distributed Electric Propulsion Optimization (DEP-MDAO) Tool.  NASA selected 409 technology proposals from 312 small businesses.  DARcorporation was the only [...]

December 9th, 2020|Events|
DARcorp LOGO white
  • 2901 Lakeview Rd, Suite 100, Lawrence, Kansas 66049, USA