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3rd Place – Future Civil Aircraft Concept Design Competition!

Design, Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation) entered and was placed third in the Future Civil Aircraft Concept Design Competition organized by Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) America and Aviation Week. DARcorporation entry of a unique 3-lifting-surface layout combines with innovative powerplant [...]

March 1st, 2018|Aircraft Design, Awards|

DARcorporation & China-based Sterna Composite Aircraft Inc. Agreed to Joint Venture

A local firm and a Chinese company have reached a deal to open a Lawrence manufacturing plant to build propellers that will power everything from drones to airboats to experimental aircraft. Lawrence-based DARcorporation and China-based Sterna Composite Aircraft Inc. have agreed to [...]

Reseller Agreement with Research in Flight for FlightStream Aerodynamics Software

Press Release Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Design, Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation), announces the addition of a software program into its lineup of airplane design software products! FlightStream, developed by Research in Flight, will be sold and supported by DARcorporation. FlightStream will be [...]

July 25th, 2017|Software Design|

Omega 707 Tanker

In 1996, DARcorporation was hired by Omega and AEL to determine the optimal location of the fuel hose port on the 707 fuselage. To find this location, water tunnel testing was performed where red dye was inserted into test points on the [...]

June 1st, 2017|Aircraft Design|
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  • 2901 Lakeview Rd, Suite 100, Lawrence, Kansas 66049, USA