DARcorporation engineers developed the Modular Air Vehicle Research Intelligent Kit (MAVRIK) as part of a NASA Small Business Innovation Research project in collaboration with The University of Kansas and Kansas State University.
Transcend Air Corporation
darcorpDARcorporation engineers have participated in the design and analysis of the Transcend Air Vy 400 VTOL inter-city commuter aircraft; faster, less expensive and safer than traditional helicopters.
Samson Switchblade
darcorpDARcorporation had just 3 weeks to design, build & deliver an engineering cut-away mockup of the Samson Motorworks Switchblade to Oshkosh Wisconsin for Air Venture 2009!
Oliver VTOL Hexplane
darcorpDARcorporation performed multiple studies on the design & analysis of the Oliver VTOL Hexplane related to weight, performance, RDT&E (Research, Development, Test and Evaluation) cost & ground effects.