DARcorporation engineers have the capability to model and simulate aircraft external installations (e.g., radomes and stores) in various flow regimes including subsonic and transonic in both steady and unsteady simulations to explore loads and the fluctuation of loads.
Boeing 707-320B
darcorpDARcorporation conducted a water tunnel test on a modified Boeing 707-320B for AEL Industries (now BAE Systems) featured on an episode of the Smithsonian Channel's Mighty Planes.
darcorpDARcorporation cooperated on the developed a five-element ground penetrating antenna array for the MCoRDS (Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder) installation on the DC-8.
Satellite Communications
darcorpDARcorporation was tasked to carry out structural analysis of a sandwich composite dorsal satellite communications radome assembly on the Boeing 737-700 airframe.
Cessna Icing Tanker
darcorpDARcorporation engineers carried out the structural design and analysis of a spray rig assembly mounted on a Cessna Citation XLS+ vertical tail for Cessna Aircraft Company.
darcorpDARcorporation cooperated on the design, simulation, fabrication & installation of P-3B/P-3 Orion radar integration: 15 MCoRDS radars as wing installations; Accumulation, Snow & Ku-band radars as bomb bay installations.
darcorpDARcorporation developed the wing mounted radar enclosures, participated in the analyses of aerodynamic characteristics & the structural configuration, all designed to withstand the extreme temperatures.
Basler BT-67
darcorpDARcorporation participated in the analyses of aerodynamic characteristics & structural configuration. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) cases are analyzed to generate aerodynamic loads, check for turbulence in the vicinity of the installation and optimize the aerodynamic shape.