DARcorporation cooperated on the developed a five-element ground penetrating antenna array for the MCoRDS (Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder) installation on the DC-8.
Hi-Q Wind Turbine
darcorpDARcorporation was involved in the aerodynamic design, structural design and prototype testing of the Hi-Q wind turbine which is an unconventional horizontal axis wind turbine.
darcorpDARcorporation cooperated on the design, simulation, fabrication & installation of P-3B/P-3 Orion radar integration: 15 MCoRDS radars as wing installations; Accumulation, Snow & Ku-band radars as bomb bay installations.
Glasair Merlin LSA
darcorpDARcorporation assisted on the stability & control analysis & aerodynamic analysis of the new Glasair LSA Merlin, including trim diagrams with corresponding control surface deflections, lift coefficients & wing span trade studies.
darcorpDARcorporation developed the wing mounted radar enclosures, participated in the analyses of aerodynamic characteristics & the structural configuration, all designed to withstand the extreme temperatures.
Basler BT-67
darcorpDARcorporation participated in the analyses of aerodynamic characteristics & structural configuration. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) cases are analyzed to generate aerodynamic loads, check for turbulence in the vicinity of the installation and optimize the aerodynamic shape.