Pro Video Tutorials
For new Shark users, there are 18 tutorial videos to show the step-by-step process in using the tools in Shark CAD-Pro. The videos along with detailed PDF explanations make the Shark learning experience very clear and precise. View these video tutorials below.
- The User Interface
- Navigating the Drawing
- Understanding Drawing Scale
- Setting up the Drawing Space
- Snaps and the LogiCursor
- PrecisionPoint and Coordinates
- Drawing 2D Shapes
- Drawing in 3D
- Basic Editing
- Transforms: Move Copy and Rotate
- Text Dimensions and Measuring
- Pen Colors and Fills
- Modifying 3D Solids
- Draw Goblet Tutorial
- Rendering the Drawing
- 2D Architectural Tools Tutorial
- 3D Architectural Tools Tutorial
- Create Coffee Cup Example

The User Interface Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Navigating the Drawing Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Understanding Drawing Scale Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Setting Up The Drawing Space Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Snaps and LogiCursor Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Precision Point and Coordinates Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Drawing 2D Shapes Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Drawing in 3D Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Basic Editing Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Transforms: Move, Copy and Rotate Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Text, Dimensions and Measuring Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro

Pen Colors and Fills Tutorial - SharkCAD Pro